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A Guide to Playing the Violin
Many people have a desire to learn to play the violin. What you may not know is that it is really one of the more difficult instruments to learn how to play. It is also very rewarding once you get used to the techniques that you will be using. There are a lot of things that you will need to learn in the beginning, starting with the correct way to hold the instrument. You will also have to... Continue Reading

Quist Violins

320 W Champion Street
Bellingham, WA
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(360) 647-1984
(888) 647-1984

Our specialties include accessories, beginner to professional, gifts, group & private instruction, lessons, music lessons, rentals, repairs, sales, sheet music and violin family instruments & bows. We can assist you with accessories, beginner to professional, fine stringed instruments, gifts, group & private instruction, lessons, rentals, repairs, sales, sheet music and violin family instruments & bows. Sales. Open for business m-f 10-6, and sat 10-4.


5 out of 5 stars
By Dawn C from Bellingham, WA
Posted Jan 15, 2011

Quist Violin has the best rental arrangement out there. You rent the violin and he will apply up to one year of your rental fee to the purchase price of a violin. After that, he then will give you 80% trade in when you are ready to upgrade to another violin. Pretty good. And if our dau. hadn't stuck with violin, we'd only have been out the rental cost. He's also been really good about answering questions and helping us out. I highly recommend Quist to parents like me who have kids who want to try out violin.

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