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Telford & Sons Violins

4910 Gage Street
Boise, ID
Get Directions

(208) 344-6392
(208) 344-6439

Our specialties include accessories, bass, cello, rent to own, rentals, sales, viola and violin. We accept rent to own and rent-to-own for payment. Our preferred brands include bass and cello. We can assist you with accessories, appraisals, bass, bows, cello, greatest value, idaho's professional violin shop offering the best value for your money since 1976 , low prices, music lessons, rent to own, rent-to-own, rental, rentals, repair, repairs, restoration, sales, specializing in professional repair & restoration , viola, violin, violin, viola, cello, bass bows and accessories. We've been in business since 1976. Idaho's professional violin, shop offering the best value for your money since 1976, sales. Open for business open saturdays.


5 out of 5 stars
By A. White from Setauket, NY
Posted Mar 6, 2010

My 21 year old college music major son has been using the second "upgrade" cello we purchased from Telford for at least 6 years. The experts at Telford sent instruments that had such a fantastic sound that his cello teachers scrambled to look inside to discover the source of the instruments. Luthiers replacing a bridge or rehairing a bow try to discern the quality necessary by the cost of the instrument. However, one NY bridge artisan this week stated that he better understood why we wanted the best quality after he heard the fantastic tone on the instrument. Telford is amazing.

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