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From Our Blog:
Learn To Play The Flute
Many people want to pick up a new hobby, and playing a musical instrument may be just what you have in mind. When it comes to choosing a musical instrument, you may want to consider the flute. The flute is one of the most popular instruments to play. It has a nice romantic sound. It is also very lightweight and you can carry it around when you go. It is unlike many of the larger instruments... Continue Reading

Joe Pinnavaia

436 West Delavan
Buffalo, NY
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Are you committed to learning how to effectively reach your musical goals? Do you have a positive attitude towards learning and exchanging new ideas and believe that with the right instructor, coach and mentor you can achieve a high standard of musicianship? Have you been frustrated and tired of not getting the results that you expected from practicing on your own or trying to learn from free tabs, magazines or online lessons? I know how you feel - I've been there. But with the right lesson plan based on your strengths and weaknesses you can get more effective results in less time. Visit the web address below and fill out the Guitar Lessons Evaluation Form to better establish your level, strengths and weaknesses. So let's start defining your musical goals today so that we can find solutions tomorrow. www.rhinoguitar.topcities.com Sicerely, Joey Pinnavaia www.reverbnation.com/testtuberhino www.myspace.com/cosmicsteppingstones www.myspace.com/breakerbox www.myspace.com/therealtoxiclove


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